This Blog is dedicated to SMOS related results and activities but after what happened yesterday in Paris I feel that I cannot let another day pass without expressing myself. It is my only window open to the outside world where I can express my sadness after this gloomy day. So this post is mine, it is personal and non professional. Nobody else can be held responsible for its content.After spending most of my life trying to do my little bit to help improving knowledge in our small discipline I am appalled but such despicable acts how our society is still in dark ages.  Free speech and open debate are the only basis of progress and I will personally never accept to submit to obscurantism. I hope those poor blokes are simply mad, dim witted, and not manipulated because if the ideals they represent need to kill unarmed old men and everybody around them to be defended they are not even worth trying to understand or consider, and we are doomed.

When the morning was waking over the warHe put on his clothes and stepped out and he died,The locks yawned loose and a blast blew them wide,He dropped where he loved on the burst pavement stoneAnd the funeral grains of the slaughtered floor.Tell his street on its back he stopped a sunAnd the craters of his eyes grew springshots and fireWhen all the keys shot from the locks, and rang.Dig no more for the chains of his grey-haired heart.The heavenly ambulance drawn by a woundAssembling waits for the spade's ring on the cage.O keep his bones away from the common cart,The morning is flying on the wings of his ageAnd a hundred storks perch on the sun's right hand.

Dylan Thomas: Among those Killed in the Dawn Raid was a Man aged a Hundred in “Deaths and entrances

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