Every two years, Toulouse becomes during the “Toulouse Space Show” the “space to be”  when concerned with space economy. Now in its’ 6th edition the TSS proved to be a great forum for discussion around the evolution or the revolution in Earth Observation. One round table concerned the Space Climate Observatory (SCO) a leading initiative to create an international observatory on climate and its’s impact.At the CNES space, Dr. Selma Cherchali (Head of SCO and PM of SWOT mission) was showcasing several scenarios on how earth observation is helping assessing direct impacts on society covering a wide range of subjects: agricultural risks, coastal errosion, glaciers…CNES had selected our scenarios at CESBIO to showcase activities in South-India. The scenario shows how challenges in the agricultural sector can be addressed using combined use of multispectral remote sensing data from microwave (SMOS), radar (Sentine-1, and optical (Sentine-2) sensors. We can see the drought monitoring at large and regional scale using soil moisture from SMOS and Sentinel-1, the water needs and ponds monitoring of at local scale using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2…and all were included in a interactive application from the SCO team, putting in highlight on the added value products.

Scientific references:Al Bitar A., Mialon A., Kerr Y., Cabot F., Richaume P., Jacquette E., Quesney A., Mahmoodi A., Tarot S., Parrens M., “The Global SMOS Level 3 daily soil moisture and brightness temperature maps”, Earth System Science Data Discussions, 2017,10.5194/essd-2017-1,1-41,2017,Copernicus PublicationsSylvain F., Selles A., Le Page M., Herrault P.-A., Pelletier C., Al Bitar A., Mermoz S., Gascoin S., Bouvet A., Saqalli M., Dewandel B., Caballero Y., Ahmed S. , Maréchal J-C, Kerr Y., “Detection of Irrigated Crops from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data to Estimate Seasonal Groundwater Use in South India”. Remote Sensing, 2017Tomer S. K., Al Bitar A., Muddu S., Zribi M., Bandyopadhyay S., Kerr  Y. , MAPSM: A Spatio-Temporal Algorithm for Merging Soil Moisture from Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing, 8, 12, 990, 2016Tomer S.K., Al Bitar A., Sekhar M., Zribi M., Bandyopadhyay S., Sreelash K., Sharma A.K., Corgne S., Kerr Y., ” Retrieval and Multi-scale Validation of Soil Moisture from Multi-temporal SAR Data in a Semi-Arid Tropical Region” , Remote Sensing,7,6,8128-8153, 2015Al Bitar, Ahmad ; Kerr, Yann; Merlin, Olivier; Cabot, François; Choné, Audrey; Wigneron, Jean-Pierre; “Drought index driven by L-band microwave soil moisture data” , EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts,16, 14340,2014Kerr, Y.H. , Waldteufel Ph., Wigneron, J.P., Delwart S., Cabot F., Boutin, J. , Escorihuela M.-J., Font  J., Reul N., Gruhier C., “The SMOS mission: New tool for monitoring key elements of the global water cycle” , Proceedings of the IEEE,98 , 5, 666–687,  2010 , IEEE.

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