Since it became operationnal in December last year, MUSCATE has produced 50 000 level 2A products from Sentinel-2A. Let’s recall what has been processed so far :
  • For 550 tiles, we have processed all Sentinel-2A data acquired since December 2015.
  • For 100 tiles, mainly in South America, and in Italy, we have processed all Sentinel-2A data from December 2016. We are currently catching up the backlog for Italy, and later on, for South American sites.
  • For all these 650 tiles, we are producing all Sentinel-2 data (Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B) in near real time. I think THEIA is the only place where you can download Sentinel-2B L2A data so far. ESA has not started that production yet (nah, nah, nah 🙂 )
  • For all these 650 tiles, we have processed all Sentinel-2B data since beginning of October 2017. We will soon catch-up with the Sentinel-2B data acquired from July 2017.


See full screen

Map of the 650 tiles currently processed in near real time (in red). The blue tiles will be added beginning of next year.

 All these products are available from Let’s recall that MUSCATE uses the MAJA L2A processor, which uses multi-temporal criteria to perform a high quality cloud detection and atmospheric correction. Despite the recent installation of version 2.4, MUSCATE still regularly suffers from instability as soon as CNES High Performance Computer is overloaded. The problem does not lie in MAJA, but in the information exchanges between all the components of MUSCATE which need to respect an accurate timing (sorry, I am not able to explain better). The exploitation team just installed a new version of MUSCATE (v 2.4.16.p2 (!)), which is expected to increase stability. But that’s the theory, let’s see if it works in the coming days and if we are able to increase our production rate.  

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