The ESA website featured this Sentinel-2 image of a large and thick plume of dust off Libya (click here to view in the Sentinel-Hub)

Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2018), processed by ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

This dust can be tracked up to 2000 km away from its source location towards the northeast, in the Armenian Highlands: the time series of Sentinel-2 images below show the region of Mount Artos (Artos Dağı, Արտոս) in eastern Turkey before, during and after the passage of the dust cloud


This « orange snow » was also observed in ski resorts in Russia and Romania but I could not find clear-sky satellite images there (only Instagram imagery 🙂 )

edit: on March 31st, a new Sentinel-2 image was acquired after a snowfall

A few days later this snow layer has already melted and the orange dust has resurfaced!

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