A seventh year begins for the « Séries temporelles » blog, and as usual, it is an opportunity to review its audience, and to get a little self-satisfaction. We usually publish this post early January, but it seems there was no January this year (or was I too busy ?). The blog is still receiving more visits every year, with a sharp growth this year : +35% of visits …

Blog traffic from December 2012 to January 2019
Blog traffic from December 2012 to January 2019 (the trends were computed using the Theil–Sen estimator), computed by Simon Gascoin.
So, if we look at the trends on the plots above, the audience growth is remarkably linear, but if we sum-up everything per year, we see a sharp increase. The cause is that outlier in the top-right corner or each graph above, related to a big buzz in Japan for SImon’s article about Xe-Namnoy lake dam failure in July, that flooded several villages, and killed too many people. 

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Number of visits 13985 22928 34723 47773 57692 79243
Number of viewed pages 30922 46940 66947 89555 105846 131846

 French visitors only counted for 25% of visits, much less than the other years. Japan ranked second with 16%,  United States ranked third, followed by European countries (UK, Germany, Italy, Spain) and by India, Canada and Morocco. In 2018, contrarily to the other years, the authors list is very short, 95 % of the posts were written either by Simon Gascoin, who is specialized in catastrophies, hydrology and snow (which are often related), and myself, about optical data quality, Sentinel-2 and Theia’s news. But we welcomed two new authors, Gerard Dedieu, who tells us about the Venµs satellite, and Vincent Thierion, about land cover, and Jordi Inglada contributed a few articles about machine learning. We are still missing an author to tell us about the results obtained with Sentinel-1 at CESBIO. This blog is open, writing a post does not take long (the first one always more than the second and third ones), and we are waiting for you to contribute, even if you are not a CESBIO member. If you are a user of remote sensing time series, especially those from Theia, please tell us about your findings, results, hopes and regrets. Here are the top ranking pages, after having removed the tags, author names, article lists, and summed French and English versions…

1 Xe-Namnoy lake dam failure 11213
2 Radiometric quantities : irradiance, radiance, reflectance 4433
3 Mapping flooded areas using Sentinel-1 in Google Earth Engine 3945
4 A python module for batch download of Sentinel data from ESA 3196
5 MACCS/MAJA, how it works 3160
6 The land cover classification for France in 2016 is available 2622
7 A seamless and cloudless Sentinel-2 image of France in July 2018 2277
8 The Sentinel-2 tiles, how they work ? 2131
9 THEIA’s L2A product format 2107
10 La production de cartes d’occupation du sol, comment ça marche? 1821
11 The product level names, how they work ? 1668
12 L’ortho-rectification, comment ça marche ? 1420
13 Using NDVI with atmospherically corrected data 1273
14 How to automatically download Sentinel data from PEPS collaborative ground segment 1101

 What can we tell from that ?

  • There was a huge buzz in Japan about Xe-Namnoy lake dam failure. We guess it comes from a highly visible website, which recommended this article (but our japanese is not fully fluent)
  • The practical pages (download tools, codes, formats) , and the « how it works » series hold most of the first ranks
  • Blog articles reporting an event may be momentarily successful, but their reading does not last too long, except if it is about GEE
  • As for last two year, the example of using Google Earth Engine, published in 2016, attracts much more than articles that warn about its dangers (it’s sad). As Simon said, we would have to quote GEE into each article title to get more traffic.
  • Some pages in French have a higher attendance than their English translation, especially those on land use in France, which is normal. But this is also the case of ortho-rectification. Why ?
  • The MACCS / MAJA description page is often visited, but I believe that 95% of my articles contain a link to this page …

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